It's time for some Swag Bag Spotlight at Paper Issues today!
Every month there is a new bag filled with the most wonderful little bits and pieces.
There is a subscription you can sign up for so you don't miss it :)
Remember you can get 20% off of it with my code ANNA.
You find the Swag Bag subscription HERE.
For my page I used the April Swag Bag.

Our lovely daughter Astrid. She is so sweet and always up to do something fun.
Filled with so much life and energy <3
For this page I played with the pink, gold and black colors.
With this very same Swag Bag I also made another page for the Sketchy Saturday and it turned out totaly different, so fun!
You can take a look HERE if you want to :)
Thanks for stopping by!
You all make me so happy <3
Take care!
Hugs Anna :(
Åh det där ljuvliga pastelliga, såå fin, så bra placeringar av allt också söta härliga Astrid, gillar jättemycket!!!!! Kram
SvaraRaderaÅhh!! Tack fina du!!! Du gör mig så glad och tacksam!! Kämpade lite med den här och hade svårt att bestämma om jag var klar, sen bara fick den vara färdig liksom, haha!!
RaderaBetyder extra mycket att du gillar den 💚💚💚